fact that ea-band Beirut is a bit wrong, the person who makes and writes the songs and musical arrangements Zach. I'll start from the beginning to understand me.

Zach was born in New Mexico, USA. From childhood he had the fancy-and not far from the truth, to be fated to something else, the school was not enough. He was always a guy who drew outstanding at school, until she got to high school and was more than could ever figure out where you could take to finish school and stuff. His father, a music lover, forced him to learn to play guitar. He, like a rebellious teenager, he chose the trumpet. Time later, at age 14, had an accident when jumping to a stream void that ultimately led to surgery. Subsequently, this episode it impossible to be able to play the guitar and that only plays the ukulele, which has a significant passion.
In his free time, Zach began to experiment with music. And when his older brother went away and left a recorder, he began with his first compositions. He also realized that I could sing, which was a revelation to him. This is when, at age 17, recorded The Joys of Losing Weight

, credited to CMLXC
The reason why I consider him a role model is the passion he puts all his compositions and live performances. Beirut born when he returns from Europe and makes recordings, which can realize not only represent his two hands. If the man had tentacles, I assure you it would be a solo project. Yet do not underestimate the contribution of other members of the band.
not recommend your music because it depends on each one if you want to hear it or not, I also like a bit that is not sooo mainstream as some of my bands * cough * Animal Collective and others. And anyone who listens to me to fall illyes it is safe. Zach is a gift he can give me just want to dance and mourn at the same time with Postcards from Italy or Elephant Gun, my favorite forever. Zach, the guy with the trumpet and the ukulele that is conquering the world with a disk at a time, with a country once, with a live performance at a time. And how old is this genius? Only 23, like you, like me, our age group. Unbelievable.
I Promise You That You're gonna give up somehow
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