remember when I found this movie in the store I jumped, my friend surprised me wonder what he had seen, and realize what it was, said, "You know who is this film? Do you have the slightest idea who Ian Curtis? ". And yes, to his surprise he did know. I know from comparing Interpol to Joy Division, I know since I read that The Killers did a cover of Shadowplay, I know, I know. But I do not mind being underestimated, in FACT, I love to be. In short, the first time I saw one I did for the cover of The Killers, which I loved & amp; oacute;. I ended up liking the movie but not quite. Today, after 2 years of view, there is another
taste in my mouth.
Unfortunately, or fortunately "?, Do not identify with the spirit of Ian suicide. At least not now, maybe by the two thousand and four or so but not now. Not that you need to have these desires mortals to appreciate this movie, no. It is easy to judge the lives of others when you see through a microscope and telescope, however, remember that everyone makes mistakes. I do not know what went wrong in the above Ian, do not understand.I just feel sorry, your bloody Ely epilepsy, their bloody attacks Ely, Ely his cursed infidelity, his cursed patanería Ely, Ely his damn self. Have we not all one Ian, an imperfect human being within us?
The film itself is depressed (or depressing?). He steals the show Samantha Morton. I do not know if it's because Deborah Curtis was the producer and is based on his book, and so we see the story from his point of view, probably, but one can not help but feel sorry for the wronged wife too.
I love you That does
What eveterse you, hypnosis maybe.
They Do not Understand how much
I give.